Monday, April 5, 2010

Jared M. Fritz

Jared started Cub Scouts in 1985, earning his Webelos Rank in 1989. After earning his Arrow of Light in 1990, Jared joined Troop 1 in Scenic Trails Council, Gaylord, Michigan. He was active in this troop holding the positions of Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader and Junior Assistant Scout Master. In 1992 Jared was “tapped” to become an Order of the Arrow Member, receiving the Vigil Honor in 1995. He earned his God and Country Award in 1993 and attended Troop Leadership Training in 1994. Jared was active in the high adventure aspects of Scouting as well. He attended the Tinnerman High Adventure Canoe Base in 1994 and 1996.

In 1993, after several hours of labor intensive service to the hiking Trails of Otsego Lake Township, Jared was recognized with his Eagle Scout Rank. Michael Joseph Anuta came to the investiture ceremony to read the opening and closing prayers and to pin the Eagle Medal on Jared.  In 1995 Jared receive a Bronze Palm for his continued work on Merit Badges.

Jared states that Scouting has had a big impact on where he is and his profession. The knowledge and training he received in Boy Scouts has a influence in all aspects of his life. One of the biggest themes he talks about is the value of helping others. As a manager, he strives to coach and train his employees to be better than they thought they could be. He approaches this through structured mentorships like the mentors he had in his scouting career. He finds it ironical that he is attracted to friends, business associates and other relationships only to discover later that they share a common similarity, Scouting.

Michael J. Anuta's Investiture Prayer


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