Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dalquist Family

Janet was born on May 2, 1928 in Menominee, Michigan. She was the fourth child and youngest girl of Michael Joseph. On August 5, 1950 she married Lloyd John Dalquist. They had three children; Daniel, Marthe and David. All three children were involved in a local Sea Explorer Post.

Lloyd was born in 1925 and raised on the family farm in Randall, Minnesota.  He lived 11 miles from school in Little Falls, Minnesota and often rode his bike to school.  He served in the 499th Armored Field Artillery Battalion, 14th Armored Division during Word War II in France and Germany.  He served as a Presbyterian Minister, than as a counselor at a local University.

Lloyd became active in the Boy Scouts of America as his children became of age with Boy Scout Troop 208 in Houghton, Michigan. He enjoyed camping, canoe camping and hiking Isle Royal National Park with the Troop.  They relocated to New York for a brief time which caused a break in their scouting experience. In 1966, they returned to Houghton and the three children became involved with the local Sea Explorer group.  Lloyd was the leader of this group for the Houghton and Hancock areas. 

The Houghton-Hancock Sea Explorer Post 220 included a large number of high school youth from the twin towns. Dan, his sister Marthe, and brother David, were among the members. The Post made use of the fact that their towns border the Keweenaw Waterway. They built sailboats from kits and practiced overturn and rescue techniques. They canoe-camped throughout Michigan's Upper Peninsula and participated in canoe races, winning most of them.

Daniel Dalquist

Daniel married Roberta Louise Best on June 15, 1974. They had two children; Eric and Kari. Daniel was involved with scouting with Troop 208, Hiawathaland Council in Houghton, Michigan. He recalls his scoutmasters were Paul Swift and his father. He stayed active in this Troop until he was First Class. He enjoyed their activities, especially the backpacking trip to Isle Royal National Park where he earned his 50 miler patch. His family moved to New York, which ended his involvement for a period of time.

When his family moved back to Houghton, Michigan he became involved with Sea Explorer Post 220. He stayed active with this post as a Sea Scout until 1972 and then as a lead until 1977 when he relocated to Marquette, Michigan. His family came back to Houghton in 1980 where he was the leader for another year.

In 1987 his son became involved in Scouting and he became the Tiger Cub Coordinator for Pack 207. He was the Cubmaster for this pack from 1988 – 1992 when his son moved to Boy Scouts. From 1992 – 2001 he was the Scoutmaster for Troop 207 and still serves as a Merit Badge Counselor for Personal Management, Snow Sports and Bicycling.

Eric Dalquist

(waiting for more information)
The news clipping is of Eric Dalquist, Michael J. Anuta and Daniel Dalquist after Eric's Eagle Scout Court of Honor.


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