Sunday, November 8, 2015

7 Basic Knots

7 Basic Knots

There are 7 basic knots that the Boy Scouts are often challenged on.  These knots are:

  1. Square Knots
  2. Clove Hitch
  3.  2 Half Hitch
  4. Taut Line
  5. Timber Hitch
  6. Bowline
  7. Sheet Bend

At many Camporees, the scouts are challenge to do these in less than a minute.  Knot tying boards are often used to test this knowledge and for the consistency of the challenge.  I searched the web looking for good plans to build these stations and found a good one, but it was too long for storage.  some others did not have the knots I was looking for so I ended up creating a new design for my needs. This new design is easy to build, only 3 1/2 feet long and meets the needs of the seven knots listed above.  As you can see below, I also labeled the knots and used whiteboard paper on the back to record the best times.

I know many people are looking for knot tying stations like these, so I have placed the directions to build your own HERE.

I will post a video on the knots and challenge here shortly

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