Saturday, November 21, 2015

Repurposing Firewood

Out here is California, we tend to be limited in our campfire options.  It is common to have left over firewood. One nice thing by us is the place we get our firewood carries redwood.  We had left over firewood from our last campout, so, naturally, it got stored in my garage.  I was getting ready for our next campout and thought I should split some of the wood to make some kindling.  I saw this one piece and thought, "This could be something . . ."  After several weeks of chiseling, carving and sanding.  Then add some stain and gloss this is what came out of the former piece of firewood.

Now there was a reason to do this.  I recently saw something in our local scout shop which I thought would be a good idea.  I didn't want to purchase one thinking I would make one instead.  I will say I do like the way it turned out.  I may need to create another one as I increase my coin collection.

And to think that we almost cut this down for its original purpose, a campfire.  There is beauty in everything, sometime it just needs a little work to shine through.

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