Saturday, November 14, 2015

Knot Tying Station Mark 2

Question:  What do you do when you have extra wood from a knot tying station????

Answer:  You make another one!

Well, the wood left over was not long enough to make a full three and a half foot station so I made a 3 foot version and added an eighth knot.  Here is the list of knots:

  1. Square Knot
  2. Clove Hitch
  3. 2 Half Hitch
  4. Taut Line
  5. Timber Hitch
  6. Bowline
  7. Sheet Bend
  8. Figure 8


  1. This has been a great asset to the troop! We've also taken it to the pack that our son is Den Chief for. The pack's webelos den took 2nd place in the 2016 camporee!

  2. What are the dimensions for this portable knot tying station?
