Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Happy Anniversary O-A

The Order of the Arrow is celebrating its 100th year anniversary throughout 2015.  The Order of the Arrow is often referred to as the Boy Scouts Honor Society.  The Order of the Arrow (OA) recognized Scouts and Scouters who exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their everyday life and support others to do the same.  They are dedicated to maintaining the camping traditions, scout spirit and dedication to cheerful service

Founded in 1915 by Dr. E. Urner Goodman and Carroll A. Edson, it was piloted by the National BSA and became an official part of the BSA in 1934.  The Order of the Arrow started with recognizing the scouts who showed the scout spirit and lived by the Scout Oath and Law, and later honored those dedicated camping and camping traditions. It was in 1998 when the OA was officially recognized as the Boy Scouts of America National Honor Society.  

Happy Centennial Arrowmen!

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