Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fun in the Snow

Against popular belief you can find snow in California.  You might need to travel a bit to find it, but it is there.  Troop 606 traveled around 6 hours up into the mountains, just a little south of Yosemite to Kings Canyon National Park.  This trip served to test the boys skills at winter camping.

Snow Forts were built to spend the nights in and the days were spent having snowball fights and sledding.

One of the advantages with camping at this location was that we were a short mile walk from the General Grant Tree.  This tree is the largest Giant Sequoia in the General Grant Grove and is the third largest tree in the world. 

If this tree was an equipment bag it would hold over 37 million ping-pong balls or 159,000 basketballs.  If it were a tank of gas it would have enough fuel to allow a car to drive around the equator 350 times without refueling.  It will take about 20 adults holding hands to wrap around the base of the tree.

Next year we are hoping that we can go to the General Sherman Tree which is the living tree in the world. 

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