Wednesday, August 4, 2010

NESA Publishes Eagle Scout Stories!

The National Eagle Scout Assiciation (NESA) reached out to all Eagle Scouts in 2009.  The goal at this point was to create a directory of all Eagle Scouts, their location and contact information.  This white pages for Eagle received a greater responce which caused the book to be divided into the 4 Regions of the nation (and it still is almost 2 inches thick).

Building upon this publication, NESA just released the Eagle Scout Stories.  In this publication Eagle Scouts were given the opportunity to submit an essay, picture or both.  It also contains a history of scouting and some biographies of famous and distinguished Eagle Scouts.

It will be interesting to read the other regions stories as this contains many inspirational thoughts and great pictures.  Of the Anuta lineage Jared Fritz and Jeff Simancek are the only two listed in the Eagle Scout Stories.  Jeff's Brother-in-Law is also listed in the appendix.  Jeff also submitted an essay and photo for this publication.

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